
Why do I need a lawyer after a car accident?

Posted on : May 16, 2016, By:  Law Firm Team     Posted in : Car Accident

Being involved in a car accident can be devastating, especially if you sustained injuries. Not all car accidents warrant hiring a lawyer. If, however, you experienced a loss of income due to the time that you had to take off work to recover, or if you have piling medical bills and car repair bills, then you may need to hire a car accident lawyer to get you the compensation you deserve. There is no reason for you to suffer in silence or be left with trauma, loss and bills if the accident wasn’t your fault.

There are a few situations where you would definitely need a car accident lawyer. These situations include injuries, car damage, inaccurate police reports, not having insurance to cover the costs for you, unwillingness from your insurer to pay for your medical bills or obvious negligence on another person or entity’s behalf.

Even if you feel that your case may not warrant hiring a car accident lawyer, it can still be of value to consult one if you need expert advice about the value of your settlement claim, you are uncertain about what your insurance company should be responsible for, you aren’t familiar with your rights in your particular case or you are having trouble deciphering your insurance policy.

A car accident lawyer can give you the clear advice that you need during this difficult time. They can also ensure that you get fair and just compensation so that you can focus on rebuilding your life.

Contact our team of Car Accident Lawyers for more information today.

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